Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Factor-Six(3), Storm(?), Gary(?), Ethan(?) & Excalibur(?).
Total catch: 36pcs.

Loner & Nat.

Our total catch of the night. (I ends at 0100hrs, while other stays till 0500hrs)

Hit a big fellow just when Storm arrive at about 2220hrs, managed to fought for a while before it decide to board the bullet train to the crocs and burst my line.
It take like a snapper, fight like a snapper and burst my line like a snapper. So Storm and myself thinks it's a snapper. : )

My catch of the night, all on Rubber lure: -
1 Seabass.
2 Snapper.

2 CNRBL (Catch N Release Before Landed).
1 burst lines (10lb - Galis,SeaBass).

Biggest catch of the night: -
Excalibur - 2.68kg Seabass.
Ethan - 2.66kg Snapper.
Storm - 2.62kg Snapper.

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